Wendy Ward, Professor

Faculty of Applied Health Sciences
Brock University

Calcium and Vitamin D to Support Bone Health in Older Adults

You will learn about the recent nutrition recommendations regarding levels of calcium and vitamin D needed to support bone health in older adults based on the 2023 Osteoporosis Canada Clinical Practice Guideline. Practical information about how to obtain recommended levels of calcium and vitamin D through diet will be discussed while also identifying situations when supplementation may be helpful.

Speaker/Chair Bio:

Wendy Ward, PhD, is a Professor and Senior Research Fellow in the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences at Brock University. She leads the Nutrition, Bone and Oral Health Research Group. This research group studies how dietary strategies may help protect against osteoporosis and related fractures, and how diet can be used to promote periodontal health. Dr. Ward is a member of the Scientific Advisory Council for Osteoporosis Canada and led the Nutrition Working Group for the 2023 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Management of Osteoporosis and Fracture Prevention in Canada.