Programme provisoire – peut être modifié. Les présentations sont données en anglais. Toutes les heures sont à l'heure de l'est.
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07h30 - 08h30
Le petit déjeuner sera servi
Mot de bienvenue
08h30 - 08h40
Coprésidentes : Stéphanie Chevalier, RD, PhD - McGill University and Heather Keller, RD, PhD - University of Waterloo
Hear from Heather Keller
Segment 1: Aging in Canada – Population Growth, Diversity, and Physiological Changes
Aging, Population Growth and Ethnic Diversity
08h40 - 09h10
Conférencier : Parminder Raina, C.M. PhD, FCAHS - McMaster University
Understanding Pathophysiological and Other Factors that Fuel Ageing-Associated Health Challenges
09h10 - 09h40
Conférencier : Samir Sinha, MD, DPhil, FRCPC, FCAHS, AGSF - Sinai Health System
Période de questions
09h40 - 10h00
10h00 - 10h20
Segment 2: Healthy Aging and Social Determinants of Health
Aging with dignity: promoting food security for older adults
10h20 - 10h50
Conférencière : Kally Cheung, MPH, RD, CDE - Alberta Health Services
Eat Well Age Well: The Importance of Nutrition for Health Aging
10h50 - 11h20
Conférencière : Michele MacDonald Werstuck, RD, MSC, CDE - Hamilton Family Health Team
Période de questions
11h20 - 11h40
Bilan de la matinée
11h40 - 11h50
11h50- 12h50
Le déjeuner sera servi
Segment 3: Nutrition & Exercise for Mobility, Bone and Muscle Health
Nutritional Strategies to Support Skeletal Muscle Health in Older Adults
12h50 - 13h20
Conférencièr : Tyler Churchward-Venne, PhD - McGill University
Exercise for Mobility, Bone, and Muscle Health in Older Adults
13h20 - 13h50
Conférencière : Lora Giangregorio, PhD - University of Waterloo
Période de questions
13h50 - 14h10
14h10 - 14h30
Segment 4: Dietary Guidance for Healthy Aging
Dietary Patterns for Healthy Aging: Importance for Cognitive and Overall Health
14h30 - 15h00
Conférencière : Anne-Julie Tessier, RD, PhD - Université de Montréal
Calcium and Vitamin D to Support Bone Health in Older Adults
15h00 - 15h30
Conférencière : Wendy Ward, PhD - Brock University
Période de questions
15h30 - 15h50
Discussion en panel
15h50 - 16h20
Remarques de clôture
16h20 - 16h30
Coprésidentes : Stéphanie Chevalier, RD, PhD - McGill University and Heather Keller, RD, PhD - University of Waterloo